1. Looking at the garden out by the parking lot the main difference in all the plants is the head or the part that sprouts. Some plants had tall stems with little to no leaves, some had tall stems with many leaves. There were also others that had little vain like stems with very small flowers, some of the plants looked like cabbages others looked like cabbages that had sprouted open.
2. The reason that there is so much variability is probably because when farmers first started farming the plant, they combined the seed with other plants that had traits that they found useful. It could also have been because of the area that the plants developed in, the seed of one variant of the plant could have been taken by and animal to a different region and the plant would have developed in different ways. This could have caused the plant to form a mutation and have a huge change to the plant, the genes could have been altered by an allele.
3. There wasn't much to see similarity wise, all the plants were different from each other. The main similarity between all the plants was the color and the fact that they all had the same parts (internally).
4. (since there wasn't much in similarities) In order for the plant breeders to get a specific trait in Phenotypes and in Geneotyes they would have to combine the genes of the two selected plants.If the plant develops the trait by themselves then the farmers just have to interbreed the plants with that trait with others that also have the trait. Or they could just take the pollen of the first plant and put it into into the other plant. If the plants produce a fertile seed then that is how you would make a specific trait