Thursday, May 3, 2018

Blog post #7

This is a view of the female anatomy of a flower called the carpel. And this part right here is the part that sticks out and capture the pollen seeds.

this is male reproductive anatomy of a flower, known as the stamen. and it's similar to a male reproductive system because it also have a part called anther and this contain the plant's male gametes and it's also where the pollen seeds get release.

this image is the anthers all over the stigma, the anthers are like sperms and the stigma is like a female reproductive system. 

this is a picture of a plant's ovary and this part contain the ovules.


So basically, how fertilization occurs in flowering plant species like Brassica oleracea works is by doing self pollination and it's mean the plant does the whole reproductive system on it's own and how it works is the plant have a part called carpel and it have a job of capturing pollen grains which contains sperm, and those pollen grains are coming from the stamen, the male part of the plant. After the pollen grains get captured on the stigma of the the carpel, it will get transferred down to the ovary where the plant contains the ovules that are immature and unfertilized seeds, and this part can be found under the carpel. So like that the pollen grains get to the unfertilized seeds and then turn create an embryo that has the potential to become a new flowering plant of the same species. And after that, those unfertilized seeds will become a new fruit.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

blog post #8

1.After inspecting the plant outside, overall the plant didn't seem to change much except for the flowers like the has definitely grew out to be longer and few of them tend to bloomed out but the variety of them is definitely low since there are plants that have from 2 to 5 flowers max. Other than that, the plant just got a little taller and bigger.
2.The reason of why there are so many variability in the domestic forms of Brassica oleracea is because farmers plants them in so many different environment like hows little of the water resource is or how the have plenty of water, etc...And based on those environment, the farmers has to make the best out of their plants by combined the plants with the traits that suit the environment the best and that is called descent with modification, and there are also many more ways of how the farmers do it like traits, selective breeding, artificial selection, genes, these are ways farmers chose the plant that is producing the most and so they keep those good plants and kill the rest which are all bad plant that aren't producing or as much. And natural variations, mutations are when the plants adapt to the environment them self and trying their best to be fit with their own particular environment. All of these methods above are the reason why there are so many variability in the domestic form of Brassica oleracea.
3.I say it would be the flowers because they all look similar and this particular part of the plant is always similar is probably because having a flower like this or many of them like it wouldn't effect the outcome of the plant so both farmers and natural don't have to change it.
4.In order to breed out flowers like our's in the picture below, the farmers have to find a similar flower with a slightly different color and then breed them together and it will most likely result in a plant with a different color flower from the standard color--it would most likely resemble the parents' flower color.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Blog post 8 - A Matter of Selection

1. Looking at the garden out by the parking lot the main difference in all the plants is the head or the part that sprouts. Some plants had tall stems with little to no leaves, some had tall stems with many leaves. There were also others that had little vain like stems with very small flowers, some of the plants looked like cabbages others looked like cabbages that had sprouted open.
2.  The reason that there is so much variability is probably because when farmers first started farming the plant, they combined the seed with other plants that had traits that they found useful. It could also have been because of the area that the plants developed in, the seed of one variant of the plant could have been taken by and animal to a different region and the plant would have developed in different ways. This could have caused the plant to form a mutation and have a huge change to the plant, the genes could have been altered by an allele.
3.  There wasn't much to see similarity wise, all the plants were different from each other. The main similarity between all the plants was the color and the fact that they all had the same parts (internally).
4.  (since there wasn't much in similarities) In order for the plant breeders to get a specific trait in Phenotypes and in Geneotyes they would have to combine the genes of the two selected plants.If the plant develops the trait by themselves then the farmers just have to interbreed the plants with that trait with others that also have the trait. Or they could just take the pollen of the first plant and put it into into the other plant. If the plants produce a fertile seed then that is how you would make a specific trait     

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Blog Post 6

                  Our plant has not really grown that much so I will be talking about another groups plant. The plants in the garden have shown huge amounts of growth. The  plants would have used photosynthesis by taking the sun light and water from the rain and water in the soil to make sugars to help itself grow. This would help with cellular respiration and cell division. If anything were to happen t the plant the plant would need to use the energy obtained from photosynthesis to separate cells and fix the problem. The plant would also need that energy to take part in cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is makes the nutrients that are needed for the plant to continue growing. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

story of the seed #6 blog post

1.Our plant has actually DEAD but i'll still make a blog post anyways pretending that it is till growing big and strong. Our lovely plant are constantly make their own food by photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water react together in the presence of light and chlorophyll to make glucose and oxygen. The glucose is converted into starch, fats and oils for storage. And what is how our plant getting bigger and bigger everyday.

2.If a signal was sent to the nucleus of one of our plant’s cells to produce more enzymes Enzymes are proteins inside the cells. They are formed by special chains of amino acids that come together in different shapes to do special jobs, like breaking down sugar and fat molecules or to make more enzymes. So in order to make more enzymes, cell would have to produce proteins to do the job with transcription and translation. So transcription are RNA Polymerase has the job of getting the codes form the DNA strand by unzip the double helix strand and then finish it by re-zip the double helix strand. Then translation which is basically translate those codes which is ribosome’s job and then put the right product to make enzymes which is tRNA job to brings those amino acids for each of the triple condons. And at the end of translation, all those amino acids that has been chosen by mRNA condons create a protein and that is it.